Sunday, July 29, 2007

Blues Listening Party

The blues community is a-buzz, and "blueseros" are trooping to the Backdoor for a listening party!

People who dig the blues, musicians as well as music lovers, will be having a listening party where the focus would be on enjoying recorded music seeping through the small speakers of the Backdoor. There'd be people who'd be bringing music to be shared with other attendees... there'd be enthusiasts sharing the gospel of the blues... and then there's us who'd be there simply to enjoy the blues, meet fellow blues lovers and gladly take in everything there is to absorb.

If you're into the blues, and know people who are into it too, then the Backdoor should be the destination of choice on the 3rd of August, a friday. Party starts at 6pm, but the blues will be playing way before the first soul comes through the Backdoor. Spread the word, the blues is still alive and well!!!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

KEJENGJEJENG!!! Acoustic Blues Night

ke jeng je jeng . . ke jeng je jeng . . ke jeng je jeng . .

Backdoor is having a first on 14 July 2007! KEJENGJEJENG, An Acoustic Blues Night, is being mounted by Entrada Productions with ample technical support from EJL Studios. This event from the young 'uns of Entrada will open the gates for more exciting nights of blues music in the future. So, what else is there to say?! Come the night of July 14, a saturday, and you're craving for good chow, or you're thirsty and need a bottle of cold brew, or you want to sample these young guys' take on neo-blues, Backdoor is the place to be! We assure you, you'd get all three fixes!!!
***Tix at 75 inclusive of 1 beer